What don't kill a Heart
Only makes it strong

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Totally random.

okay, apparently I've been snake-d into Malacca and had a blast weekends with friends. although it's not a big group tour and my legs are pain as hell for walking here and there, as long as I'm having fun, it doesn't matter.

well, well, well. I have to say tonnes of things happened. lots of surprises, and lots of frustrations. surprises are not to be reveal, 'cause I've got SOMEBODY watching at the back. so, figure this surprise out by your own.
frustrations? yeah, sure did! watching people around you changed into another person is definitely not an easy one. let's be clear. I do know and I can still accept the fact that it's absolutely normal that a person change, according to the position he/she's in, BUT not into an unreasonable one. Picking up fights with me without letting me know what the problem is will only make me an explosive. got to be frank that till now I'm still kind of pissed. sorry to tell but you'd really got on my nerve these days.

Jennie's going back to Australia very soon. we'd spent time during the trip to Malacca and dinners. although we know each other not that long and we can hardly know what's in our mind, I just get the feeling that she's a good friend. well, for those who know me well, I'd rather die than giving compliments, even if I'm giving one, please note that it is a sarcasm. this time is different. she's a really good friend! I'm saying this because she bribed me with (organic) chocolate from Australia. and guess whose JENNIE~

done, skip to another. okay, I "tweet-ed" lately. although I didn't know how does it works out but I enjoy following my 'best friends': Paris and Perez Hilton, lol. well, guess I'll have to change my name into Piranha Hilton someday later, so I may be famous as them one day. *cough*

 *copyrights reserved.*
Hey guys we are
Paris : Paris Hilton
Perez : Perez Hilton
Me    : Piranha Hilton

yes, call me Piranha Hilton, when I'm famous. XOXO

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